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Our Fundraisers

Our fundraising efforts never end. We offer a number of unique fundraisers that fit a range of interests and budgets, some seasonal and some ongoing.  All year long, volunteers, families and friends come together to raise funds for MFYC – and you can, too.
Find the one that is right for you, and get involved today!

poinsettia fundraiser

Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our super star fundraiser for Fall!

Orders are accepted through our members or directly to:

All orders must be prepaid in full by cash, paypal or a cheque payable to the Mississauga Festival Youth Choir (MFYC) in November for delivery early December.

Spring Fundraiser

Donations Welcome

Donating has never been easier or more inspiring. You can donate In Honour of or In Memory of a special person, or donate Securities!

If you would like to donate in lieu of purchasing, please do so via our Paypal link

Thank you for your support!