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Membership Fees

Membership fee : $450.00 per chorister, which includes uniform and retreat costs. Budget payment terms can be arranged as needed. Acceptance in the choir is contingent upon payment of these fees. All forms, including the volunteer section of the registration form, must be completed in full by the first rehearsal. There is a 10% discount for choristers who pre-register for the following season by our June deadline.


While we encourage families to pay the full membership fee at the time of registration, payment for membership (or a part of it, if financial assistance is needed) may be scheduled over a maximum of 9 months, and may be paid via post-dated cheques. Post-dated cheques need to be on file by the first rehearsal of the season or payment may also be made via Paypal. You may also pay in 3 instalments of $150 (Sept/Jan/March).

MFYC is happy to work with you on a payment plan that works for your family’s budget.  In order to use a payment plan, you must pay a one-time $25 deferral fee.

Financial Assistance

A limited number of Financial Assistance Scholarships are available for those choristers who, due to financial constraints, would not otherwise be able to participate in the choir. Please request a Financial Assistance Application if you require financial assistance. The funds for financial assistance come from private donations and grants from funding agencies. The amount of financial assistance we are able to provide varies from year to year, and is based upon the amount of funds available to us. Therefore, some requests may not be granted, or may not be granted for the full amount requested. Your information is collected to ensure that our limited resources are allocated as fairly as possible. The information provided will be treated as strictly confidential. Financial Assistance Scholarships do not require repayment.

Tuition fees cover only part of the cost of the music program the MFYC offers to young people.You can actively ensure the success of our choir by volunteering your time with fundraising, advertising, at performances or on choir tours and retreats.  Each family is required to fundraise $100 (net) per fundraising campaign, and to contribute volunteer time in some capacity. Volunteer options are included in registration package for your consideration. There are options to buy-out of both volunteering and fundraising.  

Monthly payment options are available. In order to use a payment plan, you must pay a one-time $25 deferral fee.

If you require more information regarding our fees and volunteering options, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

For Choristers starting in January please ask for the prorated fees.