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Support MFYC

Mississauga Festival Youth Choir Making a Difference Support MFYC

MFYC is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization, an affiliate of the City of Mississauga, and a  member of the Mississauga Arts Council and Choirs Ontario. 

Join Our Network Of Supporters

The Mississauga Festival Youth Choir is a non-profit organization and needs your help to sustain its unique and inclusive programming. You can be a part of shaping the future of choral music in Mississauga by giving a charitable donation to MFYC.

Your donation will enable us to provide tuition assistance for those children who are in need, thus making our program more accessible to interested young people. Giving a memorial donation is a particularly touching way to remember a loved one to whom music meant so much.

Donations Online through Canada Helps

Your donations and support are very much appreciated. Secure online donations to the Mississauga Festival Youth Choir can be made immediately through the CanadaHelps website. All donations will automatically generate charitable donation receipt.

Donations by Cheque

Mississauga Festival Youth Choir: P.O. Box #174 – 2325 Hurontario St., Mississauga ON  L5A 4K4
Individual donors who contribute $25 or more to our ongoing artistic program will be provided with a tax deductible receipt.
Registered Charity number: 88918 1129 RR0001

Corporate Supporters

The Mississauga Festival Youth Choir is looking for corporate supporters to help us meet our goal of bringing quality choral music programming to our children and our community.  Our corporate partners are be associated with a prestigious children’s organization, valued in the community since 1997.

Would your company or organization give support to community groups? Some organizations support groups where there is staff involvement. Or maybe you have innovative corporate ideas that you are keen to try out. If so, we would love to hear from you.

Community Supporters

Mississauga Festival Youth Choir is building a new network of community supporters. The group will play a key role in increasing public awareness of and involvement in our community. There are four levels of corporate sponsorship available for the Mississauga Festival Youth Choir:


Corporate recognition in printed materials, media releases, public service announcements, advertisements, concert programs and on our website.
6 complimentary concert tickets for the MFYC concert of their choice.
Recognition of sponsorship from the stage during the concerts.


Recognition in printed materials, media releases, public service announcements, advertisements, concert programs and on our website.
4 complimentary concert tickets for the MFYC concert of their choice.


Recognition in printed materials, media releases, public service announcements, advertisements, concert programs and on our website.
2 complimentary concert tickets for the MFYC concert of their choice.


Sponsor a child who would not otherwise be able to join the choir.

Recognition in Concert Programs

You also may contribute to make our concerts possible.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the following organizations: